The success podcast Hälsorevolutionen
Veckans avsnitt är ett av de viktigaste vi har gjort. Maria och Carina har svĂĄrt att ta in när veckans gäst, Elsa Lantz, grundare av barnrättsorganisationen ”En porrfri barndom” gläntar pĂĄ dörren till den brutala värld där allt mer vĂĄldsam porr flödar fritt. Fullt synligt för barn och unga som pĂĄ förskolor och skolor har tillgĂĄng till surfplattor och datorer utan tillräckliga spärrar.
Sedan de smarta telefonerna kom sĂĄ har tillgĂĄngen pĂĄ porr exploderat. ”Materialet blir allt mer extremt … I mainstreampornografin, pĂĄ de kändaste sajterna, kan titlarna vara Dad likes to watch son molest daughter, Pappa gillar att titta pĂĄ när sonen vĂĄldtar dottern …. Alarmerande incestporr. Det är sĂĄ fruktansvärt brutalt,” berättar Elsa. Allt handlar om den kapade hjärnan. Ingen vet hur mĂĄnga porrsajter som finns, men minst 50 miljoner. Bakom stĂĄr en av världens starkaste miljardindustrier.
”Enligt folkhälsomyndighetens undersökning tittar 70 procent av Sveriges män pĂĄ pornografi. 70 procent av svenska kvinnor gör inte det … Vi vet ocksĂĄ att högkonsumtionen ökar bland unga killar. I vĂĄrt arbete ligger fokus pĂĄ barnet, barnets exponering och de skadeverkningar som blir. Porren som vi inte vill att vĂĄra barn ska se. Okunskapen är stor. Vi har lyckats med att dra upp rullgardinen men det krävs sĂĄ mycket mer. PĂĄ de stora porrsajterna finns ingen ĂĄldersgräns. Det är hundra procent laglöst. Hur kan vi lĂĄta barn ha access till det här?”.
En podcast producerad av: Maria Borelius, vetenskapsjournalist och biolog och Carina Nunstedt, förläggare och producent, i samarbete med Acast. Klippare: Andreas Carlson.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Tired, stressed out, run down to the ground – does life have to be like this? Or is there another path to deeper health, more glow, serenity and vitality? In the podcast Hälsorevolutionen (The health revolution), you will have the latest in international health research, reflected in the old proven health traditions which exist around the world. In the podcast, you will meet people with strong life journeys, and new methods to grasp our life journey stronger and more deeply. A lot of laughter, a lot of knowledge, a lot of inspiration but also room for the deep and difficult in our lives – and the way out. Behind Hälsorevolutionen (the Health Revolution) are Maria Borelius, science journalist, author and biologist and Carina Nunstedt, publisher and producer.
Hälsorevolutionen (the Health Revolution) is one of Sweden’s most popular podcasts in the field of health. A personal inspirational podcast for you who want to live stronger and healthier, with the latest in international health research and holistic health. You will meet life journeys, new health tips, research, gurus, recognition. The topics span everything which affects our physical and mental health; from new trends in health food, to how to create more happiness and human bonds, exercise techniques and ways to reduce stress and find peace in a fast-paced age. The podcast meets everything from physicians to authors, yogis, sober alcoholics, professors, journalists, influencers and healing gurus.
- We started the podcast because many readers of the book Health Revolution have asked for a podcast, and as a science journalist with extensive experience on both television and radio, it felt like a natural, fun step. This is an ongoing movement, and new research is coming out all the time. But we also try to highlight unique life stories, with guests who use new health techniques to live stronger, says Maria Borelius, presenter and producer.
- Together with the listeners, we want to explore the new health landscape with an equally critical and curious eye. We host guests who are researchers, physicians, known and unknown health profiles who are with us testing different moments during the journey. We share our lives, our setbacks, lessons and progress, says Carina Nunstedt, the producer and publisher of the podcast.
Carina Nunstedt
CARINA NUNSTEDT (producer and publisher) is the publisher and CEO of Yourlife Books. She has previously been Nordic publishing manager for the book publisher HarperCollins, where she was Maria Borelius’ publisher for the books Hälsorevolutionen (the Health Revolution), Bliss and Awe. Carina began her career as a journalist and editor at Expressen, and then moved on as a magazine entrepreneur at Bonnier, where she started the magazines Mama, Family Living, Yourlife and Books & Dreams. Carina is curious about people’s driving forces and how we can feel better in the stressful times we live in. She herself enjoys yoga, meditation and SUP (stand up paddle board). She lives in Stockholm and in Nice together with her two teenage sons.