Marias books
MARIA BORELIUS’ award-winning books on health, are known for inviting the reader on an exciting journey of discovery. You will meet both the most prominent scientists and ancient gurus in India and the Okinawa Blue Zones, Loma Linda and Sardinia. She curiously investigates knowledge and goes out of her way with humour, twisting and turning established truths and testing everything she learns on herself first. The base is in natural science research, but pointers and musts are far away. These are books you can read and pick up ideas from them, well look at it as a holistic smorgasbord to find your best self. The new food, movement, intermittent fasting and new techniques for relaxation and good sleep, linked to the latest in epigenetics, immunology, gastrointestinal health, biomechanics and neurobiology.

Hälsorevolutionen (The Health Revolution) Cookbook (2022)
How can you create a new kind of meals that both build us strong and full of energy, while the food is life-enhancing, beautiful, tastes dreamy and is inviting? Are you also looking to fill your meals with nutrition, plenty of vegetables, good proteins, satiating fats, tasty spices and delicious sauces? Maria Borelius, with a background as a science journalist, biologist and author of a number of best-selling health books, has great passion for how life in the kitchen can be both wonderful and life-enhancing, while providing balanced, healthy food.
Hälsorevolutionen (The health revolution): The cookbook contains over 60 recipes supporting the anti-inflammatory lifestyle, keeping blood sugar stable and filling you with energy. Here are recipes which will build up lost sugar, for time-pressed days, for vegetarians, smoothie lovers and meat eaters, both exciting everyday food and for days with a golden edge. There is also an updated food pyramid which makes it simple to create healthy meals. For you looking for concrete guidance, there is a complete meal plan for six weeks with shopping lists for each week.

Hälsorevolutionen (The Health Revolution) 12 Week Program (2021)
This is the book for you who want to get started on your health journey for real. For you who want to learn step by step how you can eat, exercise, plan for your life and your inner peace to find a stronger and happier you.
Hälsorevolutionen (The Health Revolution): The 12-week program which is the long-awaited manual behind Maria Borelius’ own transformative health journey. The path to more energy, less leg pain, a stable weight that suits you, a calmer stomach, healthier skin and a reduced risk of the wide range of diseases which plague us in the West today. It’s about the anti-inflammatory lifestyle, step by step.
This is the book that gives you the practical tools in a 12-week program. You will learn about self-leadership, finding inner peace, knowing what and when to eat and how to exercise. Science journalist Maria Borelius and star coach Rita Catolino combine their extensive experience in health travel, and guide you to the best tips from fitness professionals, the latest research insights, mixed with their own lessons from both success and setbacks. You will get the theory behind it as well as practical lists of ingredients, recipes, clear training programs and tips.

Förundran (Awe) (2020)
Tired, stressed out, exhausted? Was this really how life was supposed to be? Cultivating your garden is a biological necessity, new research shows. It’s not just exercise and food that make us feel good. But also rest and pleasure in greater depth.
It’s about Förundran (Awe). Or the English word Awe. Now new research shows that positive awe feelings make us heal deeply. Great experiences in nature, with music or art, with human closeness, spirituality, when we do good for other people, and with great sports moments when we get to cheer on our own team.
Here, Maria Borelius continues her anti-inflammatory journey and makes a deep dive into the wonderful subject which has amazed both her and the readers. She embarks on a pilgrimage, goes to India for Ayurveda camps, winter baths, mini-fasts, listens to opera, and meets scientists around the world who are specialists in the effect of the great good feelings on our deepest healing. She also rummages in the opposite of awe – stress – and ends up with tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and cardiologists in Stockholm and learns to distinguish between light and dark awe. You will also get to learn all the new techniques, like JOMO – ”the joy of missing out”, dopamine fasting – and 28 other keys to more wonder in life.

Bliss (2019)
Bliss picks up where Hälsorevolutionen (the Health Revolution) left off. Research on inflammation is storming across the world and Maria Borelius continues to follow researchers and gurus closely high on their heels and solve the puzzle to how we reach an even better self. The journey takes her to Wales, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Japan, where women live the longest in the entire world. In Bliss, Maria shares the best insider tips for achieving an anti-inflammatory lifestyle in day-to day life and gives you new shortcuts and simple tricks that really work. Bliss includes 50 anti-inflammatory everyday recipes, exercise programs, meal plans, shopping lists and day-to day insights. You will also get to share the failures and challenges she has faced along the way.

Hälsorevolutionen (The health revolution) (2018)
Maria Borelius was 52 years old when she started to feel old, tired and flabby. She had back pain and menopausal symptoms and experienced a general feeling that life was coming to an end. It was the beginning of a four-year long journey where she by accident discovered a completely new lifestyle – the anti-inflammatory one. Like a detective, she started to dig for new knowledge, and she travelled the world to piece together the information she received from leading scientists, gurus and fitness experts on the scientific front-line. Maria Borelius discovered a world of food and exercise, but also emotions, sunsets, cults with long life-span and ancient Indian health cures.
Hälsorevolutionen (The health revolution) is a story of a journey of knowledge and a journey of life: about how an anti-inflammatory lifestyle can help you feel younger and healthier, but also make you more harmonious and balanced. Without a bloated stomach and constant mood swings and with a new, brighter life.

Bryt det sista tabut (Break the Last Taboo) (2013)
On a normal day, 40% of all people on sick leave are at home because they have pain in their soul. Yet we are not talking about mental illness. That silence costs lives and causes shame for those affected and their families. Because really, it should be just as OK to have depression as having diabetes. About this, Maria Borelius has written Break the last taboo, which has its feet both in research but also in her private experiences.

Motboken (The Against Book) (2002)
Life in front of the computer screen, ketchup with food colouring, no gym at school – what really happens to the children? The Against Book is a book against trash and the stressful society. It is filled with new ideas, based on medical research, that make children and parents feel better.

Sedan du fött (After Giving Birth) (1993)
This award-winning best-seller is a popular science book for you who have just given birth. It tells about the whole long process from the moment the pregnancy is over, until the moment you start to rediscover your old self.
The health revolution
Maria Borelius’ books are published in about 15 different countries in English.

Denmark (2018)

Finland (2018)

Norway (2019)

US, UK (2019)

Italy (2019)

Poland (2019)